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References for the main characters of Bros in Space:

Kenny the Otter, Jake the Platypus, and Ponzo the Fox.


Left to Right: Mercury Shuttle (Bros in Space), O'Donnell Workshop (Bros in Space),

Stadium Designs (Arc of the Spark), Thunderdrome (Arc of the Spark).

Animation Storyboards

Bangaroo attack animations

"Storyboards" for Arc of the Spark animations. Mostly detailing

movement and attacks.

A'a Ka Haka reference and attacks (top three),
LoxkriegRockatoo, and Gloom Rat choreography (Bros in Space)


Test animations for Arc of the Spark in various stages.

The first ones I'm doing are of the main character, Bangaroo.

Left to Right (top row): Idle (standing) animation, Walk animation, Punch combo, Roundhouse (WIP)

Left to right (bottom row) Jumping, Falling, Taunting, Flip attack

Animatic based off the fable "Three little pigs".


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